Welcome to Eastbridge

The bridges of Charleston link the various islands and peninsulas of our beautiful low country making us one community in our geography. Likewise, we have been called to build spiritual and personal bridges of understanding and relationship with each other, within our church, and with others throughout our region and the world. We are Eastbridge. We exist to build connections and heal brokenness. As we do so, our Triune God becomes better known and honored. HIS bridge building passions were supremely demonstrated in sending his Son, our Savior, to cross the great divide between himself and us that was created by our sin. Therefore, in reliance upon his Holy Spirit, may our God, who unites us to himself, and to one another, be glorified by establishing these sturdy, durable connections we call, “Gospel bridges,” to each other.

Upcoming Events at Eastbridge


sign-up for our weekly bulletin and announcement emails


Mon. - Office Closed

Tue. to Thur. - 9:00 AM – 4:30 PM

Fri. – 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM

Service Times

Sunday School | 9:30 AM

All Ages

WORSHIP SERVICE | 10:30 AM- 12:00 PM

Children’s Church and Child Care Provided

How to Join Eastbridge

The Inquirer’s classes are designed to help you learn more about Eastbridge Presbyterian Church, our beliefs, and membership requirements. Call the church office to inquire about when the next class starts.

Steps to Becoming a Member

members only

Breeze is a Church Management Software system that helps us keep in touch with our members, and allows them to control and update their personal information – such as, email, birthday, anniversary, giving information, etc. If you haven’t already, Please request an account today! Just email: greg@eastbridge.org and request an invitation to join.

Worship is a conversation with God. He speaks in and through his Word and we respond to that Word with worship.